The Sleep Masterclass Academy

Introducing The Sleep Masterclass Course

George Benson
George Benson
December 23, 2022

In today's fast-paced work environment, the importance of quality sleep is often overlooked.

The impact of insufficient or poor-quality sleep on peoples physical & mental health, and

overall well-being cannot be overstated.

Welcome to the Ultimate Sleep Masterclass Course, where we invite you to embark on a

life-changing exploration of sleep. This comprehensive program is designed to empower you

with the knowledge, tools, and techniques necessary to transform your sleep habits and

elevate your overall well-being.

Embark on this transformative journey with the Ultimate Sleep Masterclass Course and reclaim

the nights you deserve. Elevate your sleep, enhance your life, and wake up each morning

feeling rejuvenated, focused, and ready to thrive. Sweet dreams start here!

Whether your just looking for some tips and tricks to enhance your sleeping experience, or

you need a full and comprehensive dive into the science of sleep and all its associated factors.

This course can be tailored to suit your every need.

What's included:

Full and Comprehensive Sleeping Masterclass Course

Over 3 hours of video content.

A comprehensive workbook to guide you through the course.

A free book "The Guide to Better Sleep"

A sleep Journal

SMART Action Setting & Tracker Sheets.

What's Covered:

  • The science of Sleep
  • Why do we need sleep?
  • Sleeping Problems and how to overcome them
  • Nutrition/Hydration for optimal sleep
  • Good V Bad Habits
  • The Sleeping Environment
  • Pre-Sleep Routine
  • Getting Back to Sleep
  • Morning/Daytime Routine for Optimal Sleep

How does it work?

This course is unique in its flexibility and can be delivered in many ways to suit your needs,

budget, level of expertise, available time and specific requirements.

Choose from any, or a combination of the following options:

Pilot Programme:

As an employer, you may want to sample the course by selecting between 2 and 6 employees

to attend a shortened, more condense version of the course material you choose.

Drop in Q & A Sessions:

Sample what the course has to offer with a 1 hour Drop In Session. Here people can ask

relevant questions on sleep issues affecting them, and ascertain if the full course is

right for them and/or your company.

Group Coaching Session:

Select a group of friends/colleagues willing to participate in a group coaching session.

This can be tailored to suit either a half or full day event.

Participants have the opportunity to learn from each other's experiences and challenges.

The shared learning environment fosters a sense of community and mutual support,

creating a dynamic space for collective growth.

1 2 1 Coaching/Mentoring:

One-on-one coaching and mentoring offers a range of benefits that cater to individualized

learning, personal development, and tailored support.

Whether in a professional or personal context, the benefits of one-on-one coaching and

mentoring contribute to the holistic development and success of the individual.


Workshops are a powerful tool for group learning, providing participants with a dynamic

and interactive environment.

Workshops for group learning offer a range of benefits, including interactivity, collaboration,

diverse perspectives, immediate application, and efficient knowledge transfer. These

elements contribute to a rich and effective learning experience for participants.

Full Masterclass Course:

A comprehensive sleeping masterclass course offers a range of benefits for individuals

seeking to improve their sleep quality and overall well-being.

The full sleeping masterclass course offers a well-rounded and evidence-based approach

to understanding and improving sleep, empowering participants to make informed choices

for a healthier and more restful life.

NOTE: Offering even further flexibility, the course can either be a full day event or you can

opt for a condensed half day experience.

This outline is a general guide, and you may want to adapt it based on the specific needs

and preferences of your target audience, or personal requirements.

I understand that every company and person are unique, and I am committed to tailoring

the Sleeping Masterclass to meet your specific needs.

May I propose a brief consultation to discuss how the program can seamlessly integrate

into your existing wellness initiatives and lifestyle choices?

Please let me know a convenient time for a meeting, either in person or virtually, to further

explore the possibilities.

I am confident that the Sleeping Masterclass can make a significant

difference in the lives of individuals and/or employees and contribute to the health and

wellbeing of companies and individuals alike.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to the opportunity to support your

ongoing efforts for improvements to both sleep quality and health & wellbeing.

Best Regards:

George Benson

Phone:                      07870971640


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George Benson
George Benson
I am 56 years old and retired. My passion is helping other over 50's keep healthy and fit.
© 2022 Happy Healthy over 50. All right reserved.